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Hailing from the vibrant music scene of Rhode Island, TJ & The Campers is a band born out of long-standing friendships and a shared passion for creating high-energy music. Formed after over a decade of playing in various projects together, the band consists of high school friends who have honed their craft in countless jam sessions and basement recordings.

With a sound deeply inspired by the Ska Punk of the 90s and early 2000s, TJ & The Campers fuse nostalgic influences with their own unique energy. Their music is a testament to the chemistry and camaraderie of friends who have been playing alongside each other for years. The result is a dynamic and infectious sound that captures the spirit of their journey.

In the quiet confines of their basement studio, TJ & The Campers have been writing and recording songs that resonate with authenticity and raw emotion. Their dedication to their craft and their ability to seamlessly blend genres have earned them a dedicated following and a reputation for unforgettable live performances.

Whether it's the upbeat rhythms, catchy hooks, or heartfelt lyrics, TJ & The Campers bring a refreshing and invigorating presence to the ska punk scene. Join them on their musical adventure and experience the boundless energy and passion of TJ & The Campers.

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